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Asha CEO Ms. Urvashi Bhagat peacefully demonstrated outside the US Supreme Court for eight days April 30, 2019 to May 9, 2019 to raise awareness that the patent system around the world is increasing the disease burden by favorably granting patents to drugs and devices, making them financially rewarding, while obstructing innovation in nutrition and prevention, causing great harm to public health. Further, improper actions of the US Patent Office and the European Patent Office are being copied by patent offices around the world. The patent offices are not paying attention that their making of drugs and devices more financially rewarding as compared to nutrition and prevention not only leads to over treatment, stagnation in nutrition and prevention, and increased disease burden, but it strangles national budgets, productivity, and nations’ income. This has created several humanitarian crises. The US Supreme Court, the US Congress, and the Administrative Council of European Patent Organization should take action to stop this, and the governments around the world should also take action to stop this. Read Asha’s letter on the subject to the President and Congress of the United States, and to the Administrative Council of European Patent Organization and Heads of European States.