Research & Intellectual Property
We stay a step ahead in researching, publishing, and applying the latest science to nutritional solutions. Our esteemed Scientific Advisors are prolific researchers and publishers in the field of preventative medicine. Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Undurti N. Das, is a thought leader in this field and has published 600 scientific papers and three books in this field. Additionally, we actively collaborate with leading external scientists to develop effective nutritional solutions.

Intellectual Property
We hold a strong portfolio of worldwide intellectual property and we seek patent protection for our ongoing research and development.

Scientific Publications
Selected publications from Asha’s thought leaders and others that demonstrate the differences in nutritional needs by cohorts and the importance of tailoring the lipids and micronutrients.

Scientific Presentations
We learn from and we teach medical and scientific thought leaders. We have catalogued some relevant scientific presentations from our scientific advisors and other thought leaders in the field.