Scientific Publications
Effect of Phytochemicals on Health and Fatty Acid Metabolism
Phytochemicals can change fatty acids metabolism, can accumulate in cell membranes, and affect cell membrane structure and processes, gene expression and inflammation.

Gender Differences in Nutritional Needs
Men and women have different nutritional needs, particularly the ability to metabolize fat.
Effect of Total Fat Consumption on Health and Fatty Acid Metabolism
Total dietary fat intake has a significant effect on fatty acid metabolism and is an important factor in determination of how much of which fatty acids should be consumed. For example, it was a widely held assumption that monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oils) are heart healthy, but this is too simplistic.

Diet Type Differences in Nutritional Needs
Different diets affect the human physiology in different ways. For example, people who eat fish need fewer of certain vitamins and sterols than those who eat primarily meat or vegetables.
Effect of Antioxidants on Health and Fatty Acid Metabolism
Antioxidants can change fatty acids metabolism and are harmful in excess. At low levels lipid peroxidation can exert beneficial effects, but at high level it may lead to pathological disorders and diseases.

Lipids Particularly Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) in Health and Disease
Research on health effects of lipids in particular PUFA is abundant and the scientists at Asha are very significant contributors in this field. Asha’s Chief Medical Officer and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board, Dr. Undurti N. Das, is a thought leader in this field and has published 500 scientific papers and three books.